Sunday, 21 December 2014

Boarding Schools: Live-In Schooling

Boarding school is a kind of a home schooling because children are meant to live here during the whole period of a particular session. All the basic necessities of a child that includes food, lodging and study are provided in the same place. Boarding schools in India are full-time living schools. Most of the boarding schools in India are offering a full-time educational program with some additional activities like sports and cultural activities.

Perfect opportunity for working parents

Let’s talk about the lifestyle of Delhi or any other metro or big city and the increasing trend of boarding schools in Delhi. The people of these cities sustain a very hectic life style. They have to cope up perfectly with their professional as well as personal life. The high competitive market of this era has made it so difficult for anyone to make out some time for their personal lives. Sometimes this leads to stress and frustration. Working Parents often seem to face these difficulties as it has been very hard for them to spend quality time with their children. Because of their busy schedule, they are not able to look after the studies of their children. Due to such reasons, boarding school in Delhi and other major cities are a good option for those parents who have a hectic lifestyle which makes it difficult to manage children at day schools.

Pros And Cons Of A Boarding School

Boarding schools are very popular in India these days. The best boarding schools in India are located in hilly areas in the healthy and peaceful environment. These live-in schools have their own advantages and disadvantages. The main problem that is faced by the children even in the top boarding schools is lack of family support as they are not able to contact their family on a daily basis.

The main advantage of living in a boarding school is that it gives an opportunity for children to develop a sense of maturity. Children who are living in board are more independent than those children of simple day-schools. Having no back support of parents during boarding life, they tend to become wiser and emotionally strong. Various social interactions and seminars are organized by most of the boarding schools of Delhi to provide worldly exposure to students. In this way boarding schools play an important role in overall development of a child.


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