This is a debatable topic and brings
in different views and concerns. Should cell phones be allowed in schools?
Parents do not hesitate buying the latest equipment for their kids and they
equip the child with cell phones so that he is contactable at all times. The
ever doting parents strongly believe that cell phones should be allowed in
school so that timely action can be undertaken during emergencies. There have
been instances of terror attacks and shootings and the concerned parent wants
his child to be secure and receive timely help.
But, the school authorities think otherwise
and are averse to this line of thought. The school administrations want a
complete ban on cell phones in schools. Well, they have their own set of
arguments to support their objection.
The school authorities argue that
crime gets unchecked with the usage of cell phones in schools. Some children
take to drugs and can procure and order drugs while in school, so that they can
have it collected right at the school gate. This saves the child from the questions
of the parents .Cell phones if used in large numbers in a common place during emergencies
may lead to the risk of the servers crashing with the heavy load on their
systems. Instead of helping, this may act as a deterrent in reaching out for help
when required.
Owing to the arguments cited above, the best boarding schools in India do not encourage cell phones in schools and are quite strict
on this rule.
The best schools in India have their
own security system very strong and they have their internal committees which
are equipped to meet any emergency
which may so arise.DPS Schools in Delhi, Cambridge School in Delhi have a
complete ban on the cell phones. They have a written clause wherein it is
mentioned that if found in the premises, would be confiscated and action taken upon.
This is not only for the schools in Delhi but all the Cambridge Schools in
India and all the DPS schools in
India, they all follow on code of conduct which is common to all their schools
in India.
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